Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Journal Article Review for Business Marketing Research Paper Example
Journal Article Review for Business Marketing Research Paper Example Journal Article Review for Business Marketing Paper Journal Article Review for Business Marketing Paper Therefore the advertising dollars involved have increased as the NFG has been able to attract ewers of teams not participating in the game. The research used Trail and Sesames (2001) Motivation Scale for Sport Consumption (MASC.) to Judge motives of spectators to watch when their team was not playing. The MASC. method concluded that participants In the study viewed drama, skill, and social as the key factors In deciding If they will watch a game/event when their favorite team is not participating. Analysis: The articles conclusions identify drama, skill, and social as the most important factors In attracting premiership of non-affiliated fans of the teams participating. This Influences the relationship between sports leagues/teams, television networks, and advertisers. Looking at It from the perspective of a professional league,team, these 3 factors are important as they would like to create a fan base thats independent of what team is playing and follows the league in general. The NAB has accomplished this by marketing around the skill level of their players. Through external analysis of their customer base, they are able to identify their customers needs and wants. Over the last 30 years, the NAB has been able to market their superstars to attract outwork TV deals and advertisers, For example, In the sasss the NAB revolved around Magic Johnson and Larry Bird. In the late asss and through the offs, the league shifted to Michael Jordan as their center piece and enjoyed the most success theyve ever had. In the early part of the asss, there was a lack of compelling super stars and the league suffered in popularity. Additionally the overall behavior of marquee players was a problem which labeled the league as full of thugs and criminals. This can be perceived as a weakness In the NAB marketing strategy as Its dependent on the character of their super stars. Recently though, the NAB has been revived with an influx of young, talented, well behaved good guys led by Lebanon James, Deanne Wade, Carmela Anthony, and many others. The most successful example of sports marketing to customer needs is the NFG. As the article stated it is the bench mark for sports marketing. Even more than the NAB, they have been able to appeal to consumers, and by extension advertisers, by offering an unmatched dramatic, skillful, and social experience. Top NFG players such as Peyote Manning are announces names. But Deanna n t ten NFG NAS created a social atmosphere round the game such that everyone, regardless of whos playing, is looking forward to their annual super bowl party. The business to business implications are greater for the NFG than any other league, and this is exemplified in the insane cost for a 30 second ad spot during the super bowl. The authors of this article use complex mathematical models to conclude what many consumers feel; without DORM, consumers have a reasonable willingness to pay (WET) a price that would allow all parties involved to be profitable. Therefore DORM may have a negative impact on their bottom line as many music pirates prefer legal content without restrictions. Article Review 3 Padlocking: International Journal AT Automotive electronic Ana Management little Dealer-carmaker relationship: the theories of the duality of trust and of power- dependence Authors: Nadia, Canonical Link: http://tiny. C/Dyads This article discusses the relationships between an automotive manufacturer and its independent distribution network, namely car dealers. A large portion of the vehicle manufacturing cost is taken on by the dealers, so a strong working business relationship is required between the MOM and the dealer as they are the main distributed of vehicles. The author concludes that the essential positive fa ctors in retreating this relationship are trust and fairness between the auto maker and the dealer. While the MOM/dealer relationship is most negatively affected by power and conflict. Trust fairness in the relationship will enhance collaboration with the dealers, allowing the MOM to implement new policies which require national or global compliance from their dealer network. Finally, the author concludes that to create a atmosphere of cooperation from their dealer network, investment in non-coercive and fair policy is a must. This article highlights how dependent automotive Memos are on their dealer striation network. For car makers their dealer network may be more important than for other Memos of consumer products as consumer products have many retail outlets to distribute their product. The relationship model outlined in the article suggests that trust and fairness are keys to bringing the dealer on board. Dictating policy by request and recommendation is much more likely to get results than through threats and legal action. While this study was done in the Italian marketplace, this hypothesis is being proved out in the current trouble TOYOTA is having with their safety and quality robbers. Of course there are many other factors involved as this is a hugely complex situation, but TOYOTA dealers are standing behind the company and they are able to coordinate a large recall efficiently (considering the circumstances and bad PR). This type of dealer commitment is bred by trust and fairness that TOYOTA employs when interacting with their dealer network. Additionally to trust and fairness, the influence of power completes the carmaker-dealer relationship. An authoritative stance is necessary and useful at times to gain compliance from dealers. Making sure the dealer understands that the auto brand (thus the MOM) is the biggest factor in selling vehicles, creates a dependency of the dealer on the MOM. My personal experience working at 2 large auto-suppliers over the past 10 years, I can confirm that many Memos apply a similar type of trust, fairness, and power relationship towards their suppliers. This fits into the competitive analysis model as the Memos have identified that they have an upper hand with the dealers (and in my case, supplier), but also clearly understand that a fair approach based on trust is in everyones best interests.
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